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Your Heart is not just a Physical Organ:

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of 'Heart Qi' is of essential importance. It refers to the vital energy associated with the Heart organ, which is not just a physical organ but a complex system responsible for various functions beyond its anatomical role. The Heart, considered the monarch of all organs, plays a crucial role in maintaining overall balance and harmony within the body. Understanding Heart Qi empowers us to take control of our well-being, making it a vital aspect of our health journey.

The Heart, aligned with the element Fire, is more than a mere physical organ. It serves as the dwelling place of the Shen (spirit), a concept in TCM that refers to our consciousness, mental activities, and emotional responses. The Heart wields significant influence over our mental and emotional states. The Heart Qi, a vital component of the body's energy, in tandem with Liver Qi, ensures the smooth circulation of Qi (vital energy) and blood throughout the body.

When the Heart Qi is in balance, it presents mental clarity, emotional stability, and healthy circulation. However, imbalances in Heart Qi can manifest in a variety of symptoms, including insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, and issues related to blood circulation. Recognizing these symptoms is a key step in maintaining overall well-being. The good news is, by understanding and addressing these imbalances, we can restore balance and experience relief from these symptoms, offering hope for a healthier, more balanced life.

TCM, a holistic approach to health, offers effective methods to regulate and balance Heart Qi. Practices like acupuncture, herbal medicine, and lifestyle adjustments are not just theoretical concepts, but proven methods designed to promote overall well-being and emotional harmony. By embracing these practices, we can confidently take steps towards a healthier, more balanced life.

Some acupuncture points are 'empirically' related to a specific diagnostic pattern or condition. This means that their effectiveness has been observed and documented over time in clinical practice. While this would rarely, if ever, dictate the entire composition of a treatment, the following points should be considered, possibly even more so within the context of acupressure:

Specific acupuncture points are known to be closely associated with specific diagnostic patterns or conditions and are referred to as "empirically." Although these points alone don't determine the entire treatment plan, they are valuable. Particularly in the context of acupressure (for you at home), the following point(s) are worth considering:

Heart 7, point name - Spirit Gate, 神門

Location: At the wrist crease, on the radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, between the ulna and the pisiform bones. This specific location is chosen because it is believed to be the most effective point for accessing the Heart Qi and balancing its energy.

  • Tonifies deficiencies of the Heart Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang.

  • Emotional issues, especially those with related sleep or thinking manifestations - insomnia, muddled thinking.

  • Heart and Phlegm Fire leads to insomnia, anxiety, and mania.

  • Physical responses to emotional stimuli - anxiety with palpitations, nausea with panic and/or fear.

  • Heart palpitations from any etiology, irregular Heart, pounding Heart, and angina.

  • Emotional/Psychological issues, with Pardicardium 7 for sweat problems (too much or too little).

Fire Element Essential Oils for the Heart:

English/ Latin/ Chinese

  • Lavender Flower/ Lavandula / Yun Yin Cao You

  • Orange/ Citrus sinensis/ Cheng Pi You

  • Marjoram/ Origanum majorana/ Niu Zhi Shu Cao You

  • Rosemary/ Rosmarinus officinalis/ Mi Die Xiang You

  • Sage/ Salvia officinalis/ Yang Su Cao

  • Palmarosa/ Cymbopogon martinii

  • Camphor/ Cinnamomum camphora/ Zhang Nao You

  • Frankincense/ Boswellia carteri/ Ru Xiang You

  • Clary Sage/ Salvia sclarea

  • Rose/ Rosa spp./ Mei Gui You

  • Spikenard/ Nardostachys jatanansi

  • Patchouli/ Pogostemon/ Guang Huo Xiang You

Remember, your Heart is not just a physical organ but a powerful center of your emotional and spiritual self. Embrace the wisdom of Heart Qi, and allow it to lead you towards a more balanced and joyful existence. This can be done by practicing stress management techniques, maintaining a balanced diet, and seeking professional TCM advice from you local neighbourhood acupuncturist, Melanie. By incorporating these principles into your daily life, you can enhance your overall well-being and emotional harmony.

Written by Melanie Snell, Dr.Ac, R.Ac, Reiki Master

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